Once upon a time in Salzburg, Austria, just before World War II, Maria Rainer, One of the nuns of Nonnberg Abbey, is on the nearby mountainside regretting to beautiful hills where she was raised. She returns late. The Mother Abbess and the other nuns consider what to do about her. The Mother Abbess tells her that she should spend some time outside the abbey to decide whether she is ready for the monastic life. She will act as the governess to the seven children of widower Captain Geoge Von Trapp.
Maria arrives at the villa of Captain von Trapp, a decorated World War I Captain of the Navy. He explains her duties and summons the children with a whistle. They march in, clad in uniforms.
He teaches her their individual signals on the whistle, but she openly disapproves of this militaristic approach. Alone with them, she breaks through their wariness and teaches them the basics of music
Captain von Trapp arrives a month later with Baroness Elsa Schräder and Max Detweiler. Elsa tells Max that something is preventing the Captain from marrying her. He opines that only poor people have the time for great romances. Rolf the messenger enters, looking for Liesl, but the Captain orders him away, saying that he is Austrian, not German. Maria and the children playing, wearing playclothes that she made from old drapes. Infuriated, the Captain sends them off to change. She tells him that they need him to love them, and he angrily orders her back to the abbey. As she apologizes, they hear the children singing, which she had taught them, to welcome Baroness Schräder. He joins in, and he then embraces them. Alone with Maria, he asks her to stay, thanking her for bringing music back into his house. Elsa is suspicious of her until she explains that she will be returning to the abbey in September.
The Captain gives a party to introduce Elsa. Kurt asks Maria to teach him to dance. When he is unable to negotiate a complicated figure, the Captain steps in to demonstrate. He and Maria dance until they come face-to-face, and she breaks away, embarrassed and confused. Discussing the expected marriage between Elsa and the Captain, Brigitta tells her that she and the Captain are really in love with each other. Elsa asks him to let the children say goodnight to the guests with a song. Max is amazed at their talent and wants them for the Kaltzberg Festival, which he is organizing. The guests leave for the dining room, and Maria slips out the front door with her luggage.
At the abbey, Maria says that she is ready to take her monastic vows, but the Mother Abbess realizes that she is running away from her feelings. She tells her to face the Captain and discover if they love each other, and that, by searching for it, she must find the life she was meant to live