Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Semiotic system in design/advertising/multimedia have effect on human behavior.

The term 'connotation' is used to refer to the socio-cultural and 'personal' associations (ideological, emotional etc.) of the sign. These are typically related to the interpreter's class, age, gender, ethnicity and so on. Signs are more 'polysemic' - more open to interpretation - in their connotations than their denotations. Denotation is sometimes regarded as a digital code and connotation as an analogue code (Wilden 1987, 224).

Connotation and denotation is involve the using of codes. Semiotic came up when the denotative relationship between a signifier and its signified is inadequate to serve the needs of the community. Connotation didn't represent originally of meaning, it is a context dependent.

Denotation is the specific, literal image, idea, concept, or object that a sign refers to. "In the case of linguistic signs, the denotative meaning is what the dictionary attempts to provide. For the art historian Erwin Panofsky, the denotation of a representational visual image is what all viewers from any culture and at any time would recognize the image as depicting (Panofsky 1970a, 51-3). Even such a definition raises issues - all viewers? One suspects that this excludes very young children and those regarded as insane, for instance.

Design give connotation or meaning in every design. It gives good or bad effect in people daily life.It depends on how people take or understand the meaning of the advertising, design or else. Because in every design, advertising, there is semiotic system in it. There is a meaning inside it.


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